Posted on December 11th, 2023
Hit the vid for our “12 Days of Christmas at Atlantic Tackle!”
The rainy, windy weather is headed out to sea now and it looks like folks will be fishing over the next couple of days. That’s a great thing and hopefully the fish are snapping like they were before the blow.
Over the weekend, Yanni Harris and his crew on the private boat Hocus Pocus were trolling Joe Shute lures with ballyhoo when they caught the closest bluefin tuna that I’ve heard of in this crazy fishing the past several days. The crew was just one mile off the beach just off of 42nd street when they landed this big 100 pound bluefin in just 21 feet of water. That’s insane….and awesome!!

We’ve got our Holiday Sale going on through this Friday, December 15 where you can get two great variety packs. Flounder fishermen will love our Flounder pack and inshore enthusiasts will love the Inshore pack. Both come with a Pure Lure hat! They make great gifts and come with Free Shipping! Grab them here through Friday…..
Flounder Variety Pack

Inshore Variety Pack