Area Info


Emergency: 911
Atlantic General Hospital: 410-641-1100
Police-Fire-Ambulance: 911
Beach Patrol: 410-289-7556; 410-250-0125
Coast Guard: 410-289-7559
MD Natural Resources Police: 410-548-7070
Maryland State Police: 410-641-3101


10th Street Medical Center: 410-289-0065
75th Street Medical Center: 410-524-0075
126th Street Medical Center: 410-250-8000
Youth Health Center/Caroline St.: 410-289-4044


Atlantic General Hospital: 410-641-1100
Municipal Airport: 410-213-2471
Animal Control: 410-723-6649
Humane Society: 410-213-0146
Beach Patrol, Worcester St.: 410-289-7556
City Hall, 3rd St. & Baltimore Ave: 866-770-8221; 410-289-8221
Convention Center, 40th St.: 410-289-2800
Convention Center Box Office: 410-289-2800
District Court, 65th St.: 410-723-6935
Fire Dept. Headquarters, 15th St.: 410-289-4346
Lost and Found (Police Dept.): 410-723-6611
Mayor/City Council, 3rd St.: 410-289-8221
Police Dept., 65th St.: 410-723-6610
Public Works Maintenance: 410-524-0391
Recreation and Parks, 125th St.: 410-250-0125
Solid Waste: 410-524-0318
Transportation Dept., 65th St.: 410-723-1606
Water Dept., 65th St.: 410-524-8388
Ticketmaster Toll Free: (800) 551-SEAT Ticketmaster: Baltimore 410-547-SEAT Ticketmaster: Washington, DC (202) 397-SEATOC
Library, 100th St.. 410-524-1818
Visitor Information, 40th St.: 410-289-2800; (800) OC-OCEAN


Hugh T. Cropper Inlet Parking Lot, adjacent to the southern end of Boardwalk; open year round, ticketed fee system April 15 through October 15; 24 hours a day. Free rest of the year.

Ocean City Park & Ride, Rt. 50 just west of Harry Kelley Bridge; free parking, $3 shuttle bus.

100 th St. Parking Lot, bayside; daily, weekly (credit card only).


Worcester St., between Baltimore Ave. & Philadelphia Ave.
Somerset St. & Baltimore Ave.
Dorchester St. & Baltimore Ave.
N. Division St. & Baltimore Ave.
4 th St. & Baltimore Ave.
1 st St. & St. Louis Ave.
N. Division St. & St. Louis Ave.
61 st St. & Coastal Hwy., bayside


Assateague Island Park, Rt. 611 at Assateague Island Bridge
Gum Point Road off Rt. 589, West Ocean City
OC Commercial Harbor, 12806 Sunset Ave., West Ocean City


Inlet Park, Downtown Ocean City at OC Inlet
Third St. Pier, bayside
Ninth St. Pier, bayside
Northside Park, 125th St., bayside


All locations are accessible for the physically challenged.

Boardwalk at Worcester St.
Boardwalk at Caroline St.
3rd St. and St. Louis Ave., next to Skate Park
Boardwalk at 9th St.
Boardwalk at 27th St.
South Division Street Transit Center
Park & Ride off Rt. 50, just west of Harry Kelley Bridge
Transit Center, 144th Street


Rinse-off spigots at the following locations:

Worcester Street at the Beach (2)
Caroline Street Comfort Station (foot spigot only)
4th Street
7th Street
9th Street (2)
12th Street
15th Street
16.5th Street
18.5th Street
21st Street
27th Street


3rd St. and St. Louis Ave.

61st St. (Ocean City Tennis Center)
*Reservations needed Memorial Day through Labor Day Call 410-524-8337 for Tennis Court Reservations

94th St., Bayside 136th St., bayside


For sports enthusiasts, the Ocean City Recreation and Parks Department operates a variety of activities to keep fit and have fun.

Tennis: Courts are located bayside at: 3rd St., 61st St., 94th St., and 136th St.
For more information, or to reserve a tennis court, call 410-524-8337 in season.
Racquetball: One 3-wall court, 136th St., Gorman Park, bayside.
Skate Park: 3rd St. & St. Louis Ave, Open year-round. Call 410-289-2695
Basketball: Courts are located at 4th St. & St. Louis Ave; 94th St., bayside; 125th St., bayside (indoor).
Volleyball: Volleyball nets will be set up on the beach for summer. Open to everyone at no charge.
Nets are available at the Inlet, 2 nd St., 4th St., 5th St., 7th St., 9th St., and 11th St.; and 10 courts at Dorchester Street.
Golf: Eagle’s Landing off RT 611. 410-213-7277.

Other sports facilities are available. Certain fees and restrictions may apply. Please call 410-250-0125 for details. This may not be a complete listing.


Access to the beach for the physically challenged is provided at certain locations along the beach and is designated by a blue sign on street entrances along Coastal Highway.


Inlet Beach, Somerset St., Talbot St.,
N. Division 12th St., 25th St., 35th St., 37th St., 40th St., 48th St., 59th St., 70th St., 81st St., 89th St., 94th St., 107th St., 120th St., 130th St., 139th St., 145th St.


Beach wheelchairs are provided on the beach at certain locations by the Town of Ocean City from Memorial Day through Labor Day, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. When using one of the beach wheelchairs, it must be used within one block (one north and south) of where the chair is assigned and kept. Beach wheelchairs are available on a first-come-first-served basis from the attending beach patrol and must be returned by 5 p.m. This may not be a complete listing.

Beach Wheelchair locations are subject to change pending availability.

Inlet Lot, 7th St., 27th St., 30th St., 40th St., 48th St., 59th St., 70th St., 81st St., 89th St., 94th St., 107th St., 120th St., 130th St., 139th St., 145th St.

Additional Beach Wheelchairs at the locations below may be available year-round pending availability.

Beach wheelchairs are available at the Ocean City Police Department at 65th St., bayside, for one or multi-days of use by advance reservation. Certain restrictions may apply. Please call 410-723-6610.

Beach wheelchairs are available from the Ocean City Visitors Center in the Roland E. Powell Convention Center on 40 th St. for one to three days of use by advance reservation. Certain restrictions may apply. Please call 410-289-2800.

Beach wheelchairs are not to be taken into the water and are to be used only on the beach.

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