Posted on March 17th, 2023
Just got back from a great first day at the Saltwater Fishing Expo in Edison, NJ and ready for two more days tomorrow and Sunday. Come see us at the NJ Expo Center this weekend to pick up Fish in OC magazine and buy some stuff. Hope to see you here!!
I got news this morning of another BIG tautog caught on board the Fish Bound with Captain Kane Bounds and mate Captain Kevin Twilley!! Just a few days after putting a 2o.5 pounder on deck Captain Kane put angler (and my buddy) Dennis Muhlenforth on a HUGE female of over 31″ and over 22 pounds! The big girl was also released and swam away briskly. Congratulations to Dennis on his jumbo blackfish and to the crew of Fish Bound for adding fish #16 of 20 pounds or more!

Tina and Gregg from Warrenton, VA caught the first keeper flounder of the Chincoteague, VA season yesterday fishing with Captain Tim of Chincoteague Bay Adventures.