Posted on March 25th, 2017
It was absolutely beautiful today! As funny as it sounds to say it, it was as nice as most of February! It was a little breezy to start the morning, but the wind dissipated as the sun got higher in the sky, it was sunny for most of the day and the temperatures got into the mid 70s…..perfect spring weather!
This time of year when the weather gets nice the fish start biting and anglers are blowing off the yard work to get after them. Captain Jeff Coats of Pitboss Fishing took advantage of the beautiful conditions and he and his fiancé Karen used Big Bird’s World Famous Roy Rig to burn up the rockfish at the route 90 bridge. Captain Jeff and Karen caught several school sized rockfish on Roy Rigs and #enjoyed the afternoon!

Sticking with the rockfish, my buddy Ayrton “The Kayak Kid” Pryor of Spring Mix II was out on the bay this morning for a little rockfish action and had an awesome time. Ayrton caught 29 rock on swim shads with the biggest fish measuring 25″.

Captain Monty Hawkins had the Morning Star out in the ocean today for some tautog fishing and was able to have some success. There was some left over wind this morning which made things a little “saucy”, but Julie, Ashton, Tara and Courtney still caught some dinner and released some other tog.