Posted on April 29th, 2023
We had a really nice day today with decent temps, no precipitation and little wind for most of the day. Today is a rose between two thorns as yesterday’s weather sucked and tomorrow’s looks to suck again. It was a good day to get out and do a little fishing.
I was headed out solo this morning when I got a call from Kristen saying, “Wait, I changed my mind.” I immediately knew I was about to be outfished. I was right. Kristen’s very first flounder of the season took a Deadly Tackle Deadly Double in orange baited with a 5″ Gulp swimming mullet in “salmon red” and was one of the largest flounder that I’ve seen so far this spring. The big flattie was 22″ long, but real fat and full so it weighed in at 4 pounds, 11 ounces. At least I can say I taught her everything she knows.

Big Bird Cropper fished the Route 50 bridge this afternoon in some pretty dirty water and found this nice 31″ keeper rockfish. You know it was caught on a Roy Rig!

Last night, Shaun Flaherty was trusting his inner Gorton’s Fisherman while fishing the Route 50 bridge and he was rewarded with several rockfish in the keeper size range of 28″ to 35″. Shaun also stopped counting at over 20 released fish.