Another 20 Pound Tautog1

By Scott Lenox

Another 20 Pound Tautog1

The family and I are enjoying a short vacation in Las Vegas this week and it sounds like the weather back home in Ocean City suuuuuuucckkkkkksss!  Makes perfect sense that we would have a very mild January and February followed by a cold, rainy, windy March.  Hopefully it works itself out quick because tautog fishing is good, there are rockfish and tog in the back bay and the first flounder of the season should be caught in the next couple of weeks.

Earlier in the week Captain Kane Bounds of the Fish Bound helped Chris join the exclusive 20 pound tautog club.  This is the 15th 20 pound tautog for Fish Bound who also holds the World Record at 28.5 pounds.

Yesterdays open boat trip saw some action with some very pretty fish 9 fish over 10. Our largest fish was Chris’s 30” 20 1/2 pounder, followed by his 17+ pound release. Gregg had a 16 pound release, Sunny had a 14 pound release, and Alex had a 13 pound release. There was a few other 10-13 pound releases.
The action right out of the gate was good, with a steady pick of fish. Once the current slacked up so did the chew. We made a move to another spot, that was completely lifeless. Our action picked back up toward the end of the day when we got our current back, but we fought terrible conditions with light wind working against the tide.
Managed 23 for the box, with some dandy releases. Plenty of SeaBass to keep everyone busy. Sure is a shame we keep having tighter regulations on Bass every year. There’s more of them then ever.
Jeff Weeks and Dave Weller took advantage of the recent trout stocking and caught their limit in a few hours of fishing.

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