Awesome Floundering and the Bluefins have arrived.

By Scott Lenox

Awesome Floundering and the Bluefins have arrived.

A couple of boats fished offshore of Ocean City today and the great news was the arrival of some Bluefin tuna on the inshore lumps.  Usually this time of year the Bluefin are hanging on the inshore lumps eating Bluefish, Mackerel and Sand Eels and anglers can have some luck.  When we’re really lucky there are some Yellowfin hanging out there, or nearby, as well and we get the best of both worlds.  We’re only allowed three Bluefin tuna per trip, but we’re allowed three Yellowfin per angler, so that can really make a great day with not much running around.

The Marli out of Sunset Marina had one of those days today.  This group of Delaware anglers had a fantastic day on the charter boat MARLI with Captain Mark Hoos and Mate Mark Stephens. They boxed 10 tunas (8 yellowfin & 2 bluefin) 2 Mahi’s and released an additional 8 Bluefin Tunas fishing in 30 fathoms at the Tea Cup.  All fish were caught on ballyhoos and spreader bars.


Inshore, Captain John Prather on the Ocean City Guide Service had another fantastic day fishing for Flounder in the back bays of Ocean City.  Both trips produced throwbacks and these keepers, and some Croakers showed up for an added bonus.

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