Posted on May 11th, 2015
Normally we’ll see some snapper and school bluefish in the back bays of Ocean City and around the jetties in the spring, but this year we are lucky to have some really nice chopper size blues in the area. There are also some of the snapper and school size fish in the 1-4 lb range.
The bigger blues are measuring in the 26″ to 32″ range and I’ve heard of some fish as big as 10 pounds!
The snapper size fish can be caught pretty much anywhere in the bays, with the bigger choppers being concentrated around the Rt 50 bridge and the north and south jetty.
You’ll have luck catching all the sizes of bluefish on Gotcha plugs, buck tails and Roy Rigs, but if you don’t want to lose a bunch of lures, leader your baits with a small piece of wire.
If you have a picture or a fishing report for us, email it to [email protected]