Posted on November 9th, 2019
Today started off a little bumpy in the ocean, but by mid day I hear it had laid out nicely to a flat calm afternoon. Fishing was good for the ocean going party boat fleet and there were some nice fish caught back in the bay as well.
We can see some pretty nice flounder come from ocean structure in October and November when conditions are right. Flounder are migrating offshore and often stop and grab some food and cover on our wrecks and reefs, and sometimes they eat the wrong bait. That exact thing happened today on board the Angler with Captain Chris Mizurak at the helm. Charles Wright landed this big 29″, 8.5 pound doormat flounder on board the Angler today and other anglers on board had good days with sea bass, a cutlass fish and at least one jumbo porgy.

Captain Monty Hawkins of the Morning Star enjoyed this afternoon’s calm conditions and his crew enjoyed some good fishing along the way.
Pretty saucy first thing. Leftover wind swell made everyone aware they were in the ocean. Came glassy calm by midday. Dropped 21 blocks and a reef pyramid & got to work.
Wasn’t a perfect bite, but almost. Dern sure had a slug of em on the sounder..
ManMythLegend Hurricane Murray got a quick jump on SeaBass Bob—was up 5 keepers right out of the gate. Then Murray hit a lull. Bob had today’s first limit while Hurricane was still in single digits.
Bill Keefer of Mechanicsburg PA was next to box his limit (shown here trying like heck to hold ALL his fish. Bill also had a good sized trigger.)
Soon everyone bagged out. Then even the seasickers had a few.
(Still have a few spots for Monday’s 11 hour trip. All of November is open for reservations. See morningstarfishing.com for more info.. December and all Winter Tog trips will be announced in my Fish Report as weather forecasts firm. Additionally, we have an epic battle for fairness in fisheries regulation just over the horizon. This will be the greatest fight since the 2009 emergency sea bass closure but involves every species under management! I’ll have deep research in the Fish Reports..)
Emmett Mobley of Baltimore shows off a keeper double.
Brandon Ervin of Washington DC had a mess of keeper doubles.
Xurang Jiang from Rockport MD caught a limit.
Also pictured in the group snap are Steve & Chris Koawl of Severna Park MD – Roderick Ervin from DC – Brian Fenstermacher of Quakertown PA – Tim Aldinger Sr. Of York PA took the pool with his 18 in sea bass – & Dave Bailey.

I had some late reports come in from the terrific offshore fishing the other day and they are definitely worth sharing now. Charles Storm and his crew had a crazy good day of fishing on Thursday when they landed these five bigeye tuna on their trip to the canyons.

Austin Ensor and the #gang on Primary Search didn’t have much luck with the swordfish the other day, but they did put this jumbo bigeye in the boat. Austin estimated the fish at about 150 pounds.

My man Big Bird Cropper had a good day Roy Rigging’ in the Ocean City inlet today. Bird caught and released about 15 rockfish and he also caught 6 red drum around 20″ each.

David Moore has been having some luck at the Oceanic Pier lately. The other day it was some nice tautog and some puppy drum.