Catching In A Monsoon

By Scott Lenox

Catching In A Monsoon

Today’s weather sucked folks…still does.  We’ve had a steady, stiff wind all day with intermittent showers and downpours here and there as well.  Pretty sure we never saw the sun and it was a sweatshirt kind of day.  My son Ryan and I were delivering some mags and rigs today and we didn’t even like getting out of the truck so we wouldn’t have expected a fishing report…..we were wrong.

Those rockfish and bluefish love to snap hard in a strong norhteast wind and some folks love to catch them regardless of the conditions.  Well, that’s exactly what happened today with folks like Shaun Flaherty fishing up on the route 50 bridge in some downright nasty weather.  Shaun dressed up like the Gorton’s Fisherman again and got it done with some other guys and pulled rockfish after rockfish and bluefish after bluefish over the rail of the bridge this afternoon in the monsoon like conditions.  I don’t understand it sometimes, but I do appreciate it….especially because it gives me a fish report.  Pretty work Shaun and thanks for the pics Big Bird!

Yesterday, before all the wind and rain, Mike Orchulli had the boys out fishing the route 50 bridge and they too had great luck with the rockfish and bluefish.

Riley and Chase Neumeyer hooked the same fish on different spot while fishing the channel in front of Harbor Island yesterday… they both get credit for the catch!

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