Posted on January 16th, 2017
It’s been almost a week since my phone buzzed with any message that’s resembled a fishing report so I was glad to look down and see a note from Captain Monty Hawkins today. The wind has been blowing pretty good since last week’s front pushed through which has kept even the most die hard tautog fishermen at home. Last week we had a cold front that brought over 11 inches of snow in some areas followed by a warm front that brought temperatures of almost 70 degrees. These changes in temperature and precipitation fronts almost always come with wind and in the winter it’s best just to stay tied fast to the dock.
Weather conditions cooperated enough today for Captain Monty Hawkins of the Morning Star to throw the lines and head out to the rip for some winter toggin’, and it was great to get his report. Captain Monty said that CJ was at it again today and caught his personal best 13 pound tautog. The crew attempted to release the fish to make it the longest release on the Morning Star to date, but the fish was just too exhausted to survive so it went in the cooler. I’m sure it wasn’t all that bad…..tautog is tasty!
Captain Monty is running all winter long weather permitting. Keep an eye on his sailing updates in his Fish Report.