Posted on August 2nd, 2017
Once again, the weather today was beautiful. The fishing….well we’ll call that decent. Enjoying flat calm sea conditions and sunny skies make any kind of fishing good and today was no exception. Tuna fishing was pretty abysmal, but there were some white marlin caught to the south and there were some yellowfin tuna and mahi that were captured by some of the trolling fleet. Inshore fishermen are still dealing with cloudy water conditions and a ton of throwback flounder, but at least there are rods being bent and there are some smiling faces.
Captain Luke Blume and mate Jon Henry of the C Boys had a “decent day” today. Captain Luke trolled the Poor Man’s Canyon today and put his anglers on three keeper yellowfin tuna and some mahi. They also pulled off a white marlin.

Captain Jim Duncan and family, along with John Fairweather fished with Captain Todd Kurtz and mate Tito on the Restless Lady today and caught 22 mahi, tile fish, sea bass and jacks while fishing the Rockpile.

The Angler with Captain Chris Mizurak fished ocean structure today and pulled some nice fish over the rail. Anglers on the Angler boxed some nice flounder and sea bass on today’s trip.

Captain Monty Hawkins of the Morning Star submitted this photo of the Rodgers family from Kent Island who had a nice catch of fluke and sea bass on a recent trip.

Captain John Prather of Ocean City Guide Service has had some decent fishing as of late. It’s a tough time finding keepers, but Captain John has put anglers on some nice fish…..and at least one dreaded stargazer.

Today Captain John had my fraternity brother Jeff Harris (AKA Droopy) and his girls on board and they had a great time catching flounder. “Droop” got smoked by his girls, but he did finally catch a fish that just missed the 17″ minimum.

The Tortuga with Captain Drew Zerbe had throwback action for most of the day today and this keeper that won the fish pool on this evening’s trip.

Captain Brad McCabe of Bay Time Charters had Jaime Miller and his boys Jax and Jerry on board today. The boys showed Jaime how it was done and the crew ended the day with four keeper flounder between 17″ and 18″.
The good bowfishing continues for Captain Marc Spagnola of Dusk to Dawn Bowfishing Captain Marc was on the water last night after the Daily Angle and again today where he put his shooters on some great action for cow nosed and southern rays. Captain Marc even put one sharp shooter on a houndfish.

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