Posted on June 13th, 2016
I got a report from Wes Pollitt of the Morning Star with Captain Monty Hawkins with some info that you don’t see on a regular basis from a party boat. Wes reported that they had great fishing yesterday, the high hook on the boat had 11 nice sea bass and they caught all day long. Wes even managed to catch a nice 19″, 3.75 pound sea bass himself. That’s not the out of the ordinary stuff…but what Wes reported about their catch on the way home doesn’t happen every day on a party boat out of Ocean City. It seems the Morning Star was able to troll up a couple of false albacore on the ride home and lost another bite that didn’t come tight. Cool stuff!!

Check out Captain Monty’s most recent fish report here. Morning Star Fish Report
Another local party boat is reporting good fishing as well lately. Captain Don Hetherington from the party boat Judith M out of Bahia Marina reports good numbers of sea bass and some nice flounder like these beauties.