Posted on June 12th, 2022
Check out the Daily Catch at the Ocean City Fishing Center!
Today’s dookie forecast turned into some dookie weather as midday rain put a damper on fishing and the start of the OC Air Show. After the rain left around 2:30, the air show got started, but the damage had already been done to the fishing fleet. We did have some guys go offshore and tuna fishing was hit or miss.
Captain Austin Ensor of the Primary Search found a few tunas yesterday and he also found the first swordfish of the season reported to us. Captain Austin and crew had four tunas for the fish box and a 106 pound sword.
Captain Chris Little of Talkin’ Trash found some tunas for his people on today’s trip with five yellowfin tuna and a nice mahi from the Baltimore Canyon.
Anglers on board Rhonda’s Osprey with Captain Joe Drosey had a good time fighting four tunas to the boat on today’s trip.
Captain Marc Spagnola of Dusk to Dawn Bowfishing has had a few more good trips in a row with plenty of action for shooters on rays and hound fish both day and night.
Josh Twilley released this beauty of a 47″ red drum while fishing with peelers off of Holland’s Island in the Chesapeake Bay.
Captain Chase Eberle of Chasin’ Tides Charters has been having some great luck lately with trips that include tunas, tilefish, flounder, bluefish and mackerel.