Posted on October 22nd, 2020
Get everything you need for inshore fishing at Atlantic Tackle!
Another absolutely beautiful day today with another awesome bite on some of our inshore species. Sea bass were flying over the rails in the ocean and there were some nice flounder caught in the bay.
Young Lena Stoltzfus was fishing with her mom Jen and her dad Kevin when she caught and released this over the slot 37” rockfish. The family also caught a keeper fish of 29” and released another 18 shorts.

Captain Jason Mumford of Lucky Break Charters was on the bay in today’s beautiful weather and had an awesome day with his anglers. Captain Jason put his crew on a keeper tautog, a keeper red drum and two keeper flounder.

Captain Monty Hawkins of the Morning Star was left alone last night, but he didn’t give the sea bass the same respect today.
The Swell Is Coming, The Swell Is Coming!
Great Scott.. Please!
Have a super light rail tomorrow. Guarantee it’s because they’re calling for nearly five foot seas – with a fourteen second period!
Period (distance between wave tops) is everything to making sea height “rough.“ If seas are three feet with a 4 second period – it’ll slap you around in any Ocean City boat.
I’ve been fishing numerous times, especially where tropical weather systems are concerned, with seas that averaged twelve feet; had one not too long ago I measured at eighteen feet ..but there was a long period. I find twelve to sixteen seconds will do, that spreads em out to what you’d call a long period ground swell.
It’s the only time fishermen & surfers are happy with the same sea conditions.
Tomorrow’s going to be dern near as nice as today. A calm sea with a barely perceptible ground swell, nice air temps, and no rain..
Come On And Go Sea Bass Fishing!
They were sure biting today. Bob Houser, of both Carlisle PA and spot 15 aboard the Morning Star, limited first today at 10:50. Over half today’s clients would follow suit.
Bob Folley took everyone’s pool money preventing Bill from a three-days-strait win.
On this stunningly beautiful day we dropped a ‘tog penthouse unit’ at Capt Greg Hall’s Memorial Reef; saw a handful of bottlenose dolphin, incredible numbers of sea bass on the screen, and a pair of extremely lost songbirds.
C’mon and go tomorrow (Friday 10/23/20) – I have every confidence in the day!