Gusts Over 30

By Scott Lenox

Gusts Over 30

As I was having my last dinner in town before heading to the Great American Outdoor Show in Harrisburg, PA I was surprised to get an email from Captain Monty Hawkins of the Morning Star with a fishing report.  I say surprised because at one point this morning I was standing in the parking lot of the commercial harbor in a stiff, very chilly north wind….seems Captain Monty felt it too.

Sure looked to be a fine day coming. Forecast was 10 knots by 10am or so. Paddling offshore a couple miles, I didn’t like the look of it. Decided to fish up under the beach until the wind broke.
Dropped thirty blocks & four reef pyramids, then set two anchors.
Blew a steady 26 north with gusts over 30 for a short period. Mostly it was 20 to 25..
Fishing in the lee of shore, wind didn’t have enough fetch to build much of a wave set.
Caught a tiny handful of keepers including Jim Cobb from VA’s eastern shore’s pool winner (no pic) & Terry Feehley of Ocean View’s dinner; a fair number of tagable females (including the smallest yet this season – a 9 inch F tog that swam away with an ALS tag.)
Had a tag recapture/re-release as well. (learn from those..)
I’d hoped when the current picked up better fish would chew.
Yeah, that didn’t work either. Ended up using 12 ounces in 60 feet of water and the bite all but completely died.
Ah well.. No one hurt, nothing broke, Tanner started to learn a short splice: We fish another day.
Tomorrow in fact. Added another hour to it because the forecast’s so nice. Did have a single cancellation if you want to give it a go tomorrow. First come..
Sure hope it ain’t the same kind of ‘nice light wind’ as today..

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