I Caught My First Keeper Flounder of the Season

By Scott Lenox

I Caught My First Keeper Flounder of the Season

At a time of year when I’m used to doing a fishing report every couple of days, I find myself only doing one about once a week.  We are still in the grips of the Corona virus pandemic and Governor Larry Hogan’s “stay at home” order is still in place.  “Limited fishing and hunting for sustenance” is allowed, but that’s just for MD residents so visitors from out of state are recommended to not come down.  Like most of you, I’m feeling reely cooped up so I’m spending time with the family, getting caught up on projects around the house and watching Tiger King over and over again.  I have gotten out for a little fishing to change up the menu at home and yesterday I caught my first keeper flounder of the season.  It was my first and only bite and the fish was just under 17″.  I caught the fish on the new Fish in OC Dale Timmon’s Double Trouble in green with a white Gulp up in the Thorofare where the wind was blowing and the water temp was 56.

I got word today that the Oceanic Pier in downtown Ocean City is able to open for business and the fish are already biting.  Chrissy caught a couple of tautog already and there are more where that came from.  The pier is working and open under restrictions so make sure you call if you’re interested in going.  410-289-2602

On my way to the Thorofare I saw my buddy Big Bird Cropper and Shaun chucking Roy Rigs at the route 50 bridge in search of some of those 28″ – 35″ rockfish that we’re allowed to keep one of.  They didn’t land any keepers, but they did have some fish that were released.

Captain John Prather of Ocean City Guide Service has been doing some sustenance fishing with his little man Mason while on lockdown.  Here is a great shot of Captain John and Mason with a nice catfish from the river.

Donny Post and Andrew Busko have been having some good luck with the keeper tautog in the back bays on a couple of trips the past week.  The boys fished on his Kayla Grace and put several fish over 16″ in the box.

Mike Razmus has been keeping busy over the forced vacation by landing some nice fresh water fish for the table.  Mike has a strong selfie game and a hot spot for pickerel, largemouth bass and big bluegills.

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