Posted on January 4th, 2017
One guy that is really happy that the MD tautog season has opened back up is Captain Monty Hawkins of the party boat Morning Star. It was another nice weather day today out on the rip and Captain Monty took full advantage and put some anglers over some nice tautog.
Matt from Essex, MD released this nice female tog this morning.

CJ released this beautiful 11.3 pound tautog that had been caught and released before. You can see an American Littoral Society tag in the back dorsal. Captain Monty has been doing this so long that he is pretty close to 1,000 tag returns. Impressive!

If you can go fishing on short notice, Captain Monty has some space on the rail tomorrow. You can call the reservation line at 410-520-2076. The weather for tomorrow looks reel nice and then looks crappy for a while.