Man Sized Bigeye Tuna

By Scott Lenox

Man Sized Bigeye Tuna

I’m not sure exactly how the weather was in Ocean City, but I hear it was good and based on the fishing reports it must have been.  I can tell you that the weather in Fairbanks, Alaska was absolutely beautiful.  We’ve reached the first leg of our trip on our way to cruising the Alaska passage and we’re having a great time….folks fishing in OC are too!

Bill Pino of Squidnation…..DOT COM!  was fishing with his nephew Captain Anthony Pino today when he and crew caught a BIG 237 pound bigeye tuna while trolling the Poor Man’s Canyon.  They also added a pile of nice yellowfin tuna for good measure.  Thanks to Dave Messick of Hooked on OC for the shot.

Captain Mark Hoos of the MARLI was at it again today putting the Rob Howry crew on a limit of yellowfin tuna and back to the dock early.

Captain Mike Burt and mate David Burt put the Burt family on some good fishing today.  The crew combined forces for 17 yellowfin tuna and some bonus mahi.

The “railroad gang” had a great trip today on board Rhonda’s Osprey with Captain Joe Drosey and crew putting 10 yellowfin tuna in the fish box.

The Boss Hogg with Captain Corey Kennington had a nice day in the canyons today putting their crew on six yellowfin tuna and three mahi.

Captain Chris Watkowski and mate Ayrton “The Kayak Crouton” Pryor of Spring Mix II had a stellar day in the Poor Man’s Canyon when they put the hook in 13 yellowfin tuna and two mahi.

Mike and Mikey Pitarra along with Mikey’s buddy Brian fished on the Lucky Duck II today and had a great time boxing 12 yellowfin tuna.

Captain Chase Eberle of Chasin’ Tides Charters put his anglers on some good fishing in the Ocean City inlet and around the route 50 bridge today catching and releasing short rockfish and bluefish.

Jordan Helsel fished the route 50 bridge with Roy Rigs again last night and had good luck catching and releasing some stripers.

Christy caught this beauty of a black drum on a sand flea at the north jetty and took it to Bear down at the Oceanic Pier for a photo.

We’re starting to see more and more white marlin being released the past few days so I wanted to remind everyone of the First White Marlin Certificate being issued by Fish in OC and the Town of Ocean City.  If you catch your first white marlin out of Ocean City just fill out a simple form and it’s on the way!  Here’s the link…..First White Marlin Form.

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