Posted on May 6th, 2020
Just two days after receiving the awesome news that Ocean City, MD will be opening up the inlet parking lot, beach and boardwalk we got more good news today when Maryland Governor Larry Hogan announced that restrictions that had been put on recreational boating and catch and release fishing will also be lifted. Beginning at 7 AM tomorrow, Thursday, May 7 Maryland residents will once again be permitted to boat and fish recreationally. Other outdoor activities like golf, camping, horse back riding, shooting, etc. will also be permitted with social distancing restrictions. Maryland will also be opening state parks and DNR owned beaches for outdoor activities as well. Here is the announcement with specifics from the Maryland Department of Natural Resources website.
Update Regarding Maryland’s Stay at Home Order and Opportunities for Outdoor Recreation
We’ll probably have a busy weekend in town this weekend with the ease of restrictions and the opening of Ocean City’s beaches and boardwalk. I’m certain that if the weather permits there will be more fisherman on the water and now we don’t have to worry about strictly catch and release fishing.
Buddy Martin and his son Cody were fishing the route 50 bridge last night before the rain and they had a very good night with the stripers. Cody had a nice 34 1/2″ keeper rockfish and Buddy added a 35″ fish for their limit of legals. Remember striped bass regs have changed for the MD coast and now fish must be from 28″ to less than 35″ and we are only allowed one per person. The Martin’s were fortunate to get two for the box.

A great place to go fishing this weekend if you want to fish from shore is the Oceanic Pier in downtown Ocean City. The pier is open with restrictions so call ahead (410-289-2602) and fishing has been pretty good. Bob Haltmeier sent these photos in of some action for bluefish, shad, trout and rockfish that have been caught on the pier.