Posted on May 28th, 2020
Father’s Day is just around the corner….Atlantic Tackle is ready!! Check out the vid for some ideas.
The weather was a little rougher today than it was yesterday with clouds, a little rain and some wind to contend with. It was unfishable so there were anglers offshore, inshore and in the back bays trying to take advantage of the good fishing we’ve had lately. The wind looks to blow a little more over the next couple of days, but thankfully it doesn’t look like a washout so I’m certain folks will be out over the weekend as well.
Captain Jeremy Blunt and the crew of the Wrecker made the long trip to the tuna water today and were rewarded with a very nice catch. Captain Jeremy and mate Bobby Layton put their clients on a nice class of yellowfin tuna putting 10 in the box. Captain Jeremy also got a cool shot of a large ship masked in the fog off in the distance.

Captain Monty Hawkins of the Morning Star was out on the rip per usual today and had yet another nice day of sea bassing by the time the anchor pulled.
South wind’s mighty hard to figure. From forecasts you’d’ve expected doom to any mariner this day.
Instead? Seas were fine. Had 22 knots briefly in the AM, then it fell out to less than 10 before stabilizing at 14.5 to 16.5 knots. Plenty fishable.
Summer’s coming – saw my first greater shearwater of the year today. Despite ample time to take pics, iPhone wasn’t having any of it.
Sea bass’ve been growing fussier each day it seems; never did see a decent bite until 11:15 when we had a few keeper doubles. I’m pretty sure for the second day in a row a girl showed the boys how it’s done. Savannah Gustaitus of Baltimore kept a steady pace of keepers even when no one else was getting bit. She looked to have a clean shot at the fish pool too when we witnessed “the greatest comeback in sea bass history.” Apparently not one to pull his punches, Savannah’s Dad, (known to everyone else as Will Gustaitus of Baltimore) boated a huge 21.5 inch 4.3 lb female* cbass. With a now seemingly insurmountable lead for the pool; just a few minutes later another jumbo came in – that fish couldn’t seal the deal however, and Will kept his lead right to the end.
Bill Dietrich, also of Baltimore, shows off a fine double, while Joe Vrablic & John Horvath, both also of Baltimore, show off a couple decent singles.
Also in the group snap is Paul Lindt of Baltimore.