
Live Bait Rig


Live Bait Rig

Flounder, striped bass, trout and drum.

264 in stock

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40# monofilament, 4/0 live bait hook, sinker snap.

The Live Bait Rig is a rig perfect for fishing larger live baits like minnows, mullet, bunker, spot or eels.  The rig works well when you rare drifting, slow trolling, anchored or shore fishing for flounder, striped bass, trout or red drum using live bait or larger artificial baits like “Gulp” swimming mullet in 5 of 6 inch.  You can also use this rig baited with peeler crab, squid or clam for red drum and black drum.

In the spring, I will often bait the hook with large live minnows or “Gulp” swimming mullet in pink or “salmon” red and fish shallow water along channel edges by drifting or slow trolling.  I will use larger live baits like bunker, spot and mullet in the summer and fall when they enter Ocean City’s bays and fish them in deeper channels and at the route 50 bridge on a slack tide.  In the fall I will also fish the route 50 bridge and Ocean City inlet with live spot or eels in search of striped bass or trout making their way into cooler back bay waters.

Good luck!!