Posted on August 31st, 2022
Check out the NEW Daily Catch at Sunset Marina!
We had some rain and a few rumbles of thunder in the area last night and this morning that was off the beach making things a little rough for the ocean going fleet. Conditions got much better as the day went on and by the time everyone was heading home it was very, very nice. Tomorrow looks to be pretty calm too so it’s a good time to get out on the water.
Captain Chris Mizurak of the Angler had a good day on the rip today with plenty of hungry sea bass and some good flounder around the rail.
Captain Monty Hawkins of the Morning Star had to work for his fish today, but he still sent everyone home with dinner.
A regular trip this day, it began with an almost fall coolness & a crisp, clear sky. Sun was up time we’d cleared the inlet; no glorious morning pictures. We eased on off a good ways before Rebecca & Kimberly sent today’s block unit by the stern rail. We soon began fishing.
Derned if I saw it in the forecasts. Dagone wind was about double what I’d expected. After looking at structure and getting side-to the seas, my wheelhouse looked as though a grenade had gone off – everything thrown everywhere. I’d say seas hampered my fishing, but that may simply be a convenience. Dern sure wasn’t an epic day. Absolutely had some fine sea bass & fluke aboard, but for the first time in a good while – no mahi..
By afternoon winds had calmed considerably. The bite, however, remained tough.
On my last stop, for instance, clients dropped into a tall stand of sea bass which followed the baits down. One fellow caught an awesome double—hardly anyone else got bit!
Hope I sent em home with dinner..
Captain Jason Mumford of Lucky Break Charters had two meat haul trips today with loads of croaker on one trip and plenty of Spanish mackerel and a flounder on another.
Captain Wayne Blanks of Bayside Guide Service is all over the bluefish again and today he put some more big fish in the fish box.
These anglers had a good time and caught some fish on the Tortuga out of Bahia Marina this afternoon.