Posted on June 14th, 2016
The offshore tuna fishing is out of this world right now! The only thing keeping boats from catching a ton of yellowfin tuna right now is the weather. It can be a little slower on weekend’s when there are a thousand boats on a spot, but for the most part if you know what you’re doing you’re going to catch. If you go during the week when it’s less busy you’re probably going to have better luck and several of our charters have days available during the week.
The Marli with Captain Mark Hoos is off to another terrific start to defending his title for the most tuna by a charter boat for the Ocean City Marlin Club. Today Mike Whiteside and his crew from Centerville, Maryland had a fish catching day with Captain Mark and mate Mark Stephens. Mike released his first white marlin, the crew released over 25 yellowfin tuna and boxed 17 yellowfin and 2 nice gaffer mahi. That’s a great day of fishing!

Another Ocean City Marlin Club award fell this weekend when the crew of the Talkin’ Trash caught the first white marlin by a junior angler. The first white by a junior angler was caught by junior angler and OCMC member CJ Little at 11:30 AM on Saturday, June 11. The crew also caught a boxful of tuna and some nice gaffer mahi on their trip. The Talkin’ Trash will receive the Charles E. Kratz trophy and $500 from the Ocean City Marlin Club for their junior white marlin release.

Two tournaments scheduled for this weekend will be postponed until next weekend due to an unfavorable weather forecast. The Ocean City Marlin Club’s Small Boat Tournament has been moved to Saturday and Sunday June 25 and 26th and the MSSA Tuna-Ment has been moved to Friday, Saturday and Sunday June 24-26.