It’s way cooler than it was last week, but with little to no wind and sunny skies it was still an awesome weather day out there today! It looks like we’ll have more of the same all weekend so get out there and enjoy it and take advantage of some of the fish that are snappin’ out there!
Captain Kane Bounds and his crew on board Fish Bound have been laying the smack down on the flounder over the past several trips. Limits on fat flounder are the norm on just about every trip with some nice fish being caught to over 7 pounds.
Captain Chris Mizurak of the Angler had a nice day of it today and reported a mixed bag with sea bass, flounder, bluefish and even some nice porgy (scup).
Captain Monty Hawkins of the Morning Star enjoyed beautiful weather today, and a boat limit of sea bass.
Clearing the inlet we found only a long period swell; its gentle roll somewhat hidden beneath a glassy calm & windless sea. A favorable welcome; I held course for Uncle Murphy’s Memorial Reef where Adam of Fisher’s caramel popcorn fame sent 20 loose blocks over the stern rail and into the landing craft’s well some 60 feet below. A good drop; I’m confident they’ll contribute handsomely to its rugosity – confident these many blocks we’ve dropped and will continue to drop will allow the flat steel where a battle tank would have been brought ashore to quickly erupt with life – especially mussels now and corals in time. This particular reef has a wealth of ‘tunnels’ beneath her deck and into it’s engine room.. Though all our reef species will thrive there, I’especially looking forward to the tog that will set up home there. Very toggy..
A boat limit of sea bass today despite a lot of weeding through shorts for keepers. Chris was first to bag out in the stern, then Gary. Murray, meanwhile, just didn’t ‘seem’ to be getting the job done. Cathy to his left and Gary to his right, both bagged out, honestly, long before Hurricane did.
As more and more clients limited, my crew would come around to count Murray’s cbass: “You’re two away Hurricane” ..and then take another fish out of his cooler.
“I’ve got a limit now!”
“Oh Good. We’ll count them to make sure.”
“Still one away Murray.”
And so it went..
About time Murray was going to lose his mind they fessed up.. Murray, often first to bag out, was not last to limit – even if it sure looked that way..
Today’s sea condintions just stunning, forecast looks similar through Monday. Have one spot tomorrow (Sat) but have lots of room Sunday & Monday. Tuesday too but that’s looking less likely weather wise.
Big Bird Cropper and Shaun Flaherty had a great day in the water today catching and releasing a bunch of rockfish and some short puppy drum. They also boxed two keeper rockfish and a 21” weakfish.
Dave Weller and Jeff Weeks had a good jetty session today with three keeper tautog and two black drum.
Hoe Snyder had a nice day on the bay today catching some short rockfish on live spot using the Deadly Tackle live bait rig. He also had two keeper flounder in the Deadly Double in chartreuse.
Clean that nasty vinyl before you put the boat away…..Subscribe!!
More BIG Tautog and Some Bluefin Tuna Back in the Mix
It was another fishable day out of Ocean City today with light winds and calm seas for those that ventured out of the inlet. There were some more nice tautog scooped up in nets and there… READ MORE
Crab Pie Ingredients 1 Pound jumbo lump crab meat 2 Deep Dish Pie Crusts (this recipe will make 2 pies) 1/4 cup of diced onion (or shallots) 8 oz of Swiss cheese 2 Tablespoons flour 3… READ MORE