Posted on December 29th, 2015
During the offseason, boats in the Fish in OC fleet do all sorts of things. Many take the winter off and put the boat up on the high and dry, but some will head south and continue to fish. Rhonda’s Osprey with Captain Joe Drosey is one such rig. Captain Joe is currently docked at Sailfish Marina in Palm Beach Shores, FL and is having some great luck with his daily charters. Today Captain Joe put a couple of young ladies on their first ever sailfish and added a couple of mahi to the mix as well.
Fishing in Florida is way different than it is in Ocean City and half day trips for sailfish, mahi and other pelagic species are common since the gulf stream is just minutes from shore. If you’re going to be in Florida and would like to get in touch with Captain Joe you can get his contact info here.