Posted on June 10th, 2020
Dad’s Day is a little over a week away….Check out the vid to see what he’ll love from Atlantic Tackle
The wind picked up pretty stiff out of the south in front of some bad weather that we have to deal with tomorrow, but otherwise it was another beautiful day. The sun was shining, temperatures were warm and the fish were biting.
The Spring Mix II with Captain Chris Watkowski and mate Ayrton Pryor got their turn at the tunas today while they were trolling the offshore canyons. My neighbor and buddy Walt Lischak was on board as part of a make-up trip today and was rewarded with some great fishing. Spring Mix II went 7 for 9 tuna bites and put some meat on the deck.

Sea bass fishing on ocean structure has been awesome for several weeks now and Captains that know what they are doing are absolutely killing them. Captain Kane Bounds of Fish Bound definitely knows what he’s doing and his anglers have been rewarded with some terrific fishing. Yesterday Mr. Kim and his crew had a limit of nice fish and today a father and son duo had a limit of sea bass and some keeper flounder.

Captain Monty Hawkins of the Morning Star has forgotten more about sea bass fishing then most of us will ever know and today he dropped some knowledge and some bait on some hungry knotheads.
No drama this morning. Everyone on time, old Shantytown flag luffing in a light S wind; my old friend Mike Fry brought a load of odd block to grow coral with—we slipped out the inlet into a calm sea.
Dropped 20 blocks and a reef pyramid, then paddled further.
Winds at that point were not quite 15 SSW.
What a magnificent screen of sea bass we started over this morning. Yes, there were a lot of throwbacks, Dern sure some keepers too. Sea bass were chewing!
Cathy wasn’t aboard today. Darlene Derr of Willards MD & Ann Wolf of Gettysburg made dern-sure any testosterone laden dreams of male superiority in fishing were squashed – both ladies limited long before anyone else.
Poor guy fishing next to Darlene had 2 when she limited. Ouch!
Then she tagged a 17.5 inch F tautog just to rub a bit more salt in wounded egos..
Pretty Work!
Ended the day with 5 limits and others well equipped for a fish fry & a S wind if 17.5 knots.
Dave Braun came from behind to take today’s pool money.
David & Raymond Fetterer of Fredrick MD – Nick Henry of Montrose PA show off some good keepers.
In the group snap are also Mike Fry – Tom Stahr – Letty Kress – & Dave Schroding..

The bay may have been rough in today’s wind, but the water was still very clean from what I could see. Captain John Prather of Ocean City Guide Service took full advantage of the cleanliness and put two trips on keeper flounder today.

Michael Marisa used white Gulp and minnows to catch his limit of flounder from 18 to 21 inches today.

Joe Snyder used our Fish in OC Dale Timmons’ Deadly Double with a Gulp bait to land this keeper flounder on a short trip this afternoon.

Mike Razmus sent in this photo of his girlfriend Marisa who landed her first ever flounder using the Deadly Double in chartreuse.

Captain Marc Spagnola of Dusk to Dawn Bowfishing has been slaying the shallow water dwellers lately. Yesterday was some awesome southern ray action for a couple of guys, and last night was more of the same with terrific ray and gar action for a nice family from Pittsburgh, PA.