Posted on October 23rd, 2022
Check out the vid for the Daily Catch at Sunset Marina!
It wasn’t too surprising that no one fished today….it was miserable. It was windy, chilly and it poured a couple of times throughout the day and the ocean was as rough as a cob. If you went fishing around here today you probably lost a bet. The last few days was a way different story and there were a bunch of fish caught both in the bay and in the ocean. Here are a few pics from some lucky anglers.
Yesterday, Heath Huskey and Nate Gregory fished the south jetty at low tide with live sand fleas and had a limit of sheepshead and some bonus tog.

JD Behe and Finn Greene fished on the Christine Marie on their first ever ocean trip and had a great time catching sea bass. The kids were fishing with their dads Captain Brian Behe and Josh Greene from Eastern Title aboard Steve Summer’s Christine Marie at the Great Eastern Reef.