Posted on March 16th, 2024
After more than a month between fishing reports it’s nice that this time only two days has gone by. The weather has been nice the past few days and there are some folks getting out and doing some fishing. There are some stripers in the back bay, the first flounder of the season is just a week or two away and there are tautog being caught on ocean trips…nice tautog!
Captain Chase Eberle of Chasin Tides Charters was out on the rip today and had a great trip with several double digit fish coming over the rail for James, Kelly, Todd, Harold and Jon. The largest of the day was caught by my buddy Captain Jon Henry who landed his personal best tog at 18 pounds.

Captain Monty Hawkins of the Morning Star was able to get out in today’s nice weather and he had some good fishing to go along with it.
Introducing: [email protected] (because my ocreefs.org addresses are Still down!) if you want to help out with cabling up some units. In fact, I might even put a fellow to work 6 days a week if you know a guy… Just stop by the lot. Maybe a month of work. Cheers! Monty
Name a Tog Cabin (parking lot car stop reef unit) for $350.. Name a cluster of three Tog Cabins – $1000.00 Total of 12 available (so far!) Name a Coral Condo (reef unit made of multiple concrete pipes) – $450.00 – Name a cluster of three Coral Condos $1250.00 (only 11 available but many more coming.) All units will be deployed where best for this build. These donations include putting your name on our 2025 charts and years forward – nothing else. No tshirts/mugs etc. Still have all that swag – just not with this offer. We have our first units named already. Some good folks (Mike especially!) have stepped up to name “Capt Chuck Miller’s Tog Suite”.. Be a good sized collection of pipe condos and car stop cabins fitting Capt Chuck’s memory (and, oh man, do I have memories of him from my youth.. Lot of characters on the dock in those days!) This will be a special reef build & a busy place – my vision of ‘best use of materials of opportunity’ will at last have gone to work for us. The entire Reef Group is almost certain to become “B_____’s Tog Town – in Memory of…” (Just hold your horses – it’s coming..) We could sure use a hand tomorrow (Sunday, National Irish Hangover Day – the 18th!) Lots of em! Email at

There are some stripers biting at the route 90 bridge…check it out!