Posted on August 26th, 2020
Get the Doormat Destroyer and all of the Fish in OC rigs at Atlantic Tackle in West Ocean City.
I was able to get out again for a few hours this afternoon to do some flounder fishing and the Fish in OC Doormat Destroyer live bait rig was on fire for me again. My good buddy David Wells and I hit the east channel with live bunker and had a great afternoon with the flatties. We had fish of 18″, 18″, 20″ and I had another nice one at 22 3/4″ that was probably 4.5 pounds. The Doormat Destroyer is a simple rig, but if you don’t know how to tie this stuff it’s a great ready-to-go option for larger baits like bunker, spot and mullet. This time of year you can weed through the throwbacks a little better with larger baits. Get all of our rigs at Atlantic Tackle or online at www.FishinOC.com/shop

Captain Kane Bounds of the Fish Bound has had a busy couple of days for his anglers and he is showing them some great fishing. It’s been a nice mixed bag with loads of flounder, some sea bass, some ribbonfish and even some nice tilefish from an offshore bottom drop trip.

Captain Chase Eberle of Chasin’ Tides Charters had a couple of good trips today that resulted in a nice catch of mahi for one group and some keeper sea bass for another.

It was a little tougher day of fishing for Captain Chris Mizurak and the crew of the Angler today, but they did still manage some nice mahi, some sea bass and a “World Record” clown fish.

Captains Mahi Hawkins of the Morning Star had a mahi specific trip today and he specifically put everyone on board on a limit of them.
Missed sunrise by just a bit this AM
as we departed on my 11 hour mahi trip. Ocean mighty fine first few miles; we then found enough north swell to unsettle a few stomachs. Later in the day it glassed-out calm as could be.
Was out by Jackspot Reef and saw someone had put a few buoys out for mahi. Not sure who would have scrounged cutoff, free floating flag buoys; had enough rope and weights, but there they are—right outside the reef. Though I didn’t try em, they ought to hold a handful of mahi.
When we did stop, Gerald Meadows hooked up straight away — we were in mahi from the git-go. As catching continued I thought Tracy would be first to limit on mahi; she sure led the pack awhile. Tracy did take everyone’s pool money, while Rob Booth came from behind to limit first.
Then everyone limited. Clients could not have legally kept one more..
Was some nice fishing, and Fun! Hope to schedule a few more of these long mahi trips before a storm unsettles our waters & pushes mahi back offshore.

Shooters on Captain Marc Spagnola’s Dusk to Dawn Bowfishing had a good time today and were right on target with some cow nosed and southern rays.

Donny Post has been trying to catch a cobia for a while and today he was finally able to put one in the boat.

Ron Taylor used Big Bird’s Roy Rig at the south jetty and caught some rockfish and a nice sheepshead.