Posted on February 22nd, 2023
A little cooler today, but thanks to the lack of wind it was another beautiful day to be out on the ocean in search of tautog. The wind blows for the next couple of days ushering in some record breaking warm temperatures in the 70s and possibly 80s tomorrow, and then there’s a chance of snow on Saturday. It’s just the kind of weather that will have the walk-in health clinics seeing a lot of business in the coming weeks.
Captain Monty Hawkins of the Morning Star had to beat the skunk off today, but that’s tautog fishing for you.
Shewww.. Man that was sommmmme calm. Dying swells from different directions & distant winds were covered in a smooth, glassy top – nary a ripple disturbed the sea’s surface on our way off this morning. The day seemed to hold promise.
Joe from Upper Darby gave today’s reef blocks a well-timed shove ..we kept going and going. Too far? Could have had a fantastic catch of seabass. They were bigger than the tog today! Tog? Not so much. Just some shorts and voluntary legal throwbacks at stop 1. At my next spot I set anchors with a full straddle – anchored stem to stern, ‘clotheslined’ some of the boys call it. An ultra light current held her where I wanted. Catch a throwback. Another throwback and another. More cbass. A keeper toglet that went back. Hard getting this super calm day going. Never did, really. Wind finally broke its calm. Came east by south at 23. Current picked up at last out of the north also. Didn’t help a lick. Good spots where I know tog live – experimental where I think elGrande might live – even a “super top secret get my butt out of a jam spot”.. All offered No Joy today. Then, juuuuuust before I was going to throw in the towel we doubled our days’s catch. Boy.. Ain’t sayin much. The Hurricane was knocked from the pool with a sad 16.5 inch release; overcome by Joe’s 18.5 inch female he put back. Last time he was out with me he won the the pool too but with a 17 pounder! Little auks (dovekie) were everywhere today. Just after a rain Vic got artsy with tje cloud pics.. In my trip announcements I tell it like it is — this fishery can be tough – guys can get skunked even on the good days! A day like today really drives it home. Can be brutal.. Had to beat the skunk back with a baseball bat! Lay in a few days for weather. See what Saturday brings! Cheers, Monty