Tough Week

By Scott Lenox

Tough Week

It’s been a tough week to be a fisherman in Ocean City.  Yesterday and today we’ve had 5″ of rain.  To put that in perspective, based on a typical ratio, if it were snow it could more than four feet.  Downtown Ocean City being flooded shouldn’t be a surprise, but when parts of West Ocean City, Ocean Pines and Berlin are so flooded that schools are closed….that’s saying something.  Put some northeast wind on top of that to shut the ocean down for a few days, and no one has really been fishing Ocean City for a few days.  That should all change tomorrow as the chance of precipitation is minimal, the wind should be light and the sun may even poke out for a few minutes.  There are going to be some anglers out tomorrow.   I won’t be one of them though….it’s football Sunday at my house. (Redskins 28 Browns 17)

One spot that is definitely going to see some action tomorrow is the Oceanic Pier in downtown Ocean City.  The Oceanic Pier is a great spot to drop a line because fishing can be good and it’s easy.  They have everything you need right there and it’s one of the better spots to fish from land because it’s so close to the inlet.  Bear at the Oceanic Pier submitted some photos of fish that have been caught this week and there has been some good action.

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If you get a chance to get out on the water tomorrow and you have some luck, send me a report and a photo and you could just end up here in the Daily Angle.

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