Tuna, Rockfish, Rays and Big Mouth Bass

By Scott Lenox

Tuna, Rockfish, Rays and Big Mouth Bass

We had some absolutely beautiful fall weather in Ocean City today.  The temperature started off in the mid 50s and climbed into the low 70s, we had light winds and it was mostly sunny all day.  This is definitely my favorite time to Fish in OC.  Offshore, we’ve started to see some yellowfin tuna on the lumps like the hot dog and there are still white marlin, wahoo and mahi in the canyons.  Inshore, even though sea bass season is closed for a month, the flounder fishing on the wrecks is still terrific and tautog fishing will pick up as the water cools.  In the back bays the flounder fishing is improving daily and we are starting to see more rockfish and bluefish around the jetties and the route 50 bridge.

Captain Steve Selander and mates Captain Chris Watkowski and Ayrton Pryor had a trolling trip again today where they had some pretty good luck with the tuna.  The crew boxed six yellowfin tuna and some false albacore while trolling the hot dog.


Bear at the Oceanic Pier in downtown Ocean City submitted a photo of a nice keeper rockfish caught by Andy of Milford, DE while fishing the route 50 bridge.  Bear also said that there are lots of blues and trout being caught off of the pier on sabiki rigs the past couple of days.


Captain Marc Spagnola of Dusk to Dawn Bowfishing had some good shooters on board yesterday.  Captain Marc put them on cow-nosed and southern rays and they did the rest.  Give Captain Marc a call soon if you’d like to get in on some good shooting.

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Captain Brian Behe of Buffalo Hunter Guide Service has started to run trips to the scenic Pocomoke River.  It’s only about a 20 minute car ride to the Pocomoke and then you’re fishing pretty much right away.  If you want to have a lot of fun with a kid-friendly operation then give Captain Brian a call.  The wind really doesn’t effect your trip too much and it’s good for some great fresh water action.  Today Captain Brian had a fun trip and had some luck with the big mouth basses.

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