Check out the Daily Catch at The OC Fishing Center with our big bigeye on Spring Mix II!
We had some really wicked thunderstorms across the area today with very heavy rain, wind, thunder and lightning. Anyone outside ran for cover and anyone on the water prayed and kept an eye to the sky. The weatherman didn’t exactly nail the forecast that’s for sure.
Captain Monty Hawkins of the Morning Star reported the weatherman got him today, but he still got the sea bass.
Boyyyy… Weatherman got us good today.
The whole fleet I expect.
Chase & Xavier dropped our reef blocks at Al Berger’s Reef. Today’s were my special Tog Condo Blocks – 16×20 chimney flue blocks. They make a seriously nice hiding spot for our bucktooth buddies – tautog.
Forecast I was watching had no rain. No wind. No XXXL natural bug zappers with accompanying artificial cannon fire.
Cloudy but calm.
Got em all!!
Made for a hard day of fishing.
Yesterday was about as fine a day of summer fishing as I can offer. Today we awaited thunder storms to pass and dealt with wind that seemingly rotated the entire compass.
Great Mercy!
But, I added almost two hours to the day while trying to box up some pretty ones – and did. Wasn’t a jag of sea bass. Mike G (representing, as ever, the Crimson Tide!) was high hook with 8 I think. Dave K boxed the pool fish..
Can’t say much nice about the day. One poor fellow had reservations for tomorrow but showed up today – we got him on.
From there on his luck went straight downhill. Dealt with the weather as we all did, but he also dropped one of my best rental rods over & lost his lucky hat when the front hit us..
Sure hope he got dinner at least..
Owing that error and a horrific automobile accident, I have a lot of spots open tomorrow. See Fish Report tab at for trip info. Reservations close at 8pm. You can email [email protected] after 8 – I should be awake until 8:15 at least!
Weatherman – on threat of a hot poker(!) swears we’ll have good fishing weather tomorrow!!!
Also have good weather & open spots for my first mahi trip this season come Friday. Water’s been plenty warm. I expect we’ll shake something loose!!
Captain Marc Spagnola of Dusk to Dawn Bowfishing had a nice night on the river with snakeheads and catfish ending up in the box.
Jacob Fitzimmons of Riviera, MD fished with Mike G today and landed three keeper flounder up to 20.5″ on live bunker.
Our steering broke, but we still got em….Subscribe!
Man, this weather has sucked! I’m listening to rain right now, we had snow yesterday and this weekend looks like there may be more rain in the forecast. Throw in some wind and very cold temperatures… READ MORE
Crab Pie Ingredients 1 Pound jumbo lump crab meat 2 Deep Dish Pie Crusts (this recipe will make 2 pies) 1/4 cup of diced onion (or shallots) 8 oz of Swiss cheese 2 Tablespoons flour 3… READ MORE