Posted on April 24th, 2017
What It’s Like To Fish As Me
By Ryan Lenox – Age 10
A few days ago, I went fishing with my Mom, Kristen and my Dad, Scott. Sadly, we caught zero flounder. 🙁 But we sure did catch a lot of rockfish! Okay, maybe I’m exaggerating a little bit. We caught around 6.
My dad always says he wants to catch the first flounder of the year. I’ll tell you one thing, it never happens. The Thursday or Friday before that, the first flounder was caught. UNFAIR!!!!
Anyway, I caught about 4 rockfish, my Mom caught one and my Dad (The so called master?) he only caught one. Well, sometimes I must take my words back. The week after he caught two flounder.
I am going to catch one. I must not be the last person to catch a flounder in my family! THIS IS A WAR!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, I’m getting off track. The point is, I need to start fishing before it’s too late. I cannot let this happen!
I am only ten, but this is my opinion of fishing.
Fun, but sometimes extremely boring.
I like to catch fish, particularly flounder.
I HATE wearing life jackets, UGGGGHHHH!
That is What It’s Like To Fish As Me