Posted on December 30th, 2019
I reported last night on a pomfret that was caught out of Ocean City by angler Jeff Rosenkilde while fishing with Tony Freiji, Mike Freiji, Brendan Barbey and Jeremy Scott that was thought to be a bigscale pomfret of more than 22 pounds that could potentially break the current IGFA world record. As of yesterday’s report the fish had not been weighed on a certified scale and it had also not been verified by a DNR biologist to confirm that it was in fact a bigscale pomfret and not an Atlantic pomfret. The fish are very similar, but they are different species and identification is a very important aspect of both MD state record and IGFA world record consideration.
Well I am happy to be able to report that fish has been positively identified as a bigscale pomfret by DNR fisheries biologist Steve Doctor and the fish has also been weighed on an official certified scale. The pomfret weighed in at 22.1 pounds at Hunter’s Crabs & Seafood Market and if it is approved by the IGFA it will break the current world record for bigscale pomfret of 20 pounds, 10 ounces caught by W. Gordon Davis off the coast of Florida back on October 17, 2004.
Congratulations to angler Jeff Rosenkilde and the entire crew on their awesome…world record setting catch! Pictured below are Mike and Tony Freiji after the pomfret was certified at 22.1 pounds.