Posted on May 4th, 2017
The wind blew again today…..hard. It was out of a different direction, but it blew hard enough to keep boats that were planning on going mako fishing tied fast to the dock. It’s going to get worse before it gets better too. There is a small craft warning from now through Saturday afternoon and tomorrow’s forecast is for strong winds, heavy rain and a chance of thunderstorms for a good portion of the day. Hopefully Mother Nature is getting the breeze out of her system and will let us have a nice calm summer.
After last night’s fishing report was posted I got a text from Bear down at the Oceanic Pier with a picture of Felipe who I had met earlier in the day while we were at the pier filming for Hooked on OC. Felipe caught some good fish yesterday morning, but I guess that wasn’t enough. He decided to head back to the pier last night and caught the biggest bluefish that I’ve seen so far this spring. This huge 40″ bluefish weighed 16 pounds and was caught on finger mullet. Nice work Felipe!

Jack Healy, Joseph Distefano, Owen Brackin and Thomas Distefano spent the day charter fishing on the charter boat MARLI with Captain Mark Hoos and mate Mark Stephens in Solomons, MD today and had a great day with the rockfish. The boys caught a total of 18 rock releasing 14 and boxing these four nice fish.