Posted on November 25th, 2017
It was another beautiful day in and around Ocean City today and conditions were perfect on the ocean and in the bay. Some folks that would normally be on the water in today’s conditions were in the woods for the first day of Maryland’s deer firearms season, but there were plenty of anglers out on the local party boats and toggin’ in the bay.
Captain Chris Mizurak reported beautiful conditions on the ocean today and good fishing to boot. Captain Chris reported good sea bass fishing and some really nice flounder on board today.

Captain Chris put anglers on three flounder over 5 pounds today including this behemoth 10 pound 15 ounce doormat that ate a chunk of squid presented by angler Ben Semiatin of Ocean City.

Bear down at the Oceanic Pier has been seeing some tautog being caught off of the pier lately, but this big 20″ fish caught by Won of Sterling, VA is one of the biggest.

Remember….tomorrow is the last day of MD tautog season and then it will close until January 1, 2018.
Anthony Sousa of the Ocean City Fishing Community had a good day on the route 50 bridge for speckled trout again. Anthony and Nick “The OC Shark Slayer” each caught two keepers on tandem swim shads. Anthony’s fish pictured below were 23″ and 25″ and he says he lost a couple close to 30″.