Posted on December 13th, 2015
You read it right! I’ve got to be honest, it’s crazy! The last of the tuna fish usually leave the area sometime in late October. We may have even had some yellowfin or long fin caught in November in the past, but bigeye tuna in the canyons off of Ocean City in December? Absolutely crazy….but I’m not complaining!
Josh Ensor, Jeff Rosenkilde and Joe Cangianelli aren’t complaining either. The crew ran out to 200 fathoms just outside the Rockpile and found 64 degree water and gave it a shot yesterday. They were rewarded with three yellowfin tuna and a beautiful bigeye tuna that tipped out at 150 pounds. The bigeye ate a Joe Shute lure on a flat line only 10 feet behind the boat around 4PM yesterday and made it in the boat just before dark.

A report came in just a bit ago from Captain Chris Mizurak on board the Angler indicating some good fishing today. Captain Chris reports a lot of people on board catching their limit today. The Angler also had sea bass and flounder up to four pounds and a handful of bluefish over 10 pounds. There was also at least one real nice porgy.

The final day of the 3rd Annual Ocean City Marlin Club Rockfish Tournament was today and the awards banquet is going on right now. I’ll update all of the winners with some pics tomorrow night so be sure to check back.
In other rockfish news, John Doak, Tina Doak and their grandson Ryker Adams had a good day trolling off of Bethany Beach just inside of three miles. The crew used white tandem rigs to capture two rockfish in less than two hours that were 42″ and 40″. Not a bad way to spend a warm December afternoon!