Posted on April 24th, 2019
The weatherman predicted that today would be sunny and warm, but the wind was going to be blowing and he was right on about that. I got to work around the house today so the pollen blowing in my face all day was annoying, but otherwise it was a great day to get some stuff done. Out on the bay it was a different story where anglers had to deal with white caps when the tide was against the wind and it also made drifting for flounder tricky. Still some folks got out and some more fish hit the deck.
Joe Bish got out for some flounder fishing on the Thorofare this afternoon and managed a couple of fish on short time. Joe caught and released one 16″ flounder and boxed another flounder of 19 1/2″ on Fish in OC rigs while drifting the Thorofare flats. The trip could have been a bit more productive, but time was short since there was a two year old that needed a nap.

Donny Post and his dad Don Sr. fished with Michael and Angel Lorentz the other day and caught a nice black drum behind Assateague Island. The crew was fishing sand fleas at the Verrazano bridge when Don Sr. hooked this nice 23″ black that ended up in the cooler.