44 Boats and Over $14,000 for the Ocean City Inshore Classic

By Scott Lenox

44 Boats and Over $14,000 for the Ocean City Inshore Classic

Check out the vid for info on the 1st ever Bishop Broadbill Bash being held next weekend October 16-18!

I just got back from registration for the 4th Annual Ocean City Inshore Classic and we had a great turnout!  This year 44 boats are entered and they will be looking to catch their share of over $14,000 in prize money.  We have some awesome trophies being distributed after the weekend and some awesome sponsors to thank for their help in putting on this event.  Thank you!  Good luck to all anglers fishing the Classic!

The 1st ever Bishop Broadbill Bash is next Friday, Saturday and Sunday and I’m betting there are going to be some swordfish caught.  Sunset Marina had some nice fish this afternoon when Captain Andrew Dotterweich of the Fish On and Captain Mike Burt of the Pumpin’ Hard both dropped some tasty sword faces on the dock.  Thanks to Sunset Marina for the pics!

Captain Chris Mizurak of the Angler had a slow start to today, but fishing picked up nicely this afternoon with flounder, sea bass, some triggerfish and even a red snapper.

Captain Monty Hawkins of the Morning Star did his usual work for the Ocean City Reef Foundation and then his usual of putting anglers on the meat.

Couple more days of maintenance owing windy conditions—toss some reef work in as well; then fished as pretty an October day as ever there was.
Ocean almost glass calm, cbass on the feed, finished with a boat limit of sea bass and a smooth ride home.
Hope to see many more calm days in October. Sure looks to be a windy one though.
Leslie Clark & Kevin Patterson of Clinton MD boxed out first today, Leslie scored a bonus triggerfish too.
Paul Yannuzzi, an Ocean Pines local, landed today’s pool winner.
Lisa Ruzicka & Eva Todaro, both from BelAir MD, were our assistant reef builders this day.
I mentioned reef work; we did cut/splice 900 feet of one inch three strand nylon for moorings. Have at least 5 more boats coming, including another tug: we’ll need to make more mooring lines before early winter for sure..
I also had welder extraordinare Jim Lintner open my stern gate up a bit to accommodate a fourth block. We’ve always been limited to 3 blocks across. No longer..
What a sweet reef unit! Strapping twelve 16×20 chimney blocks from York Building Products, )what I call “Tog Penthouse Blocks”) together makes an unbelievably nice small boat-deployable reef unit.
While I’ll continue to drop these on bare-top barges because they so swiftly bring that flat steel surface to life, I’m certain they’re also a stand alone reef unit.
We’ve built some very fine reefs with our daily block drops – plenty of folks are fishing them – but a truckload of these jumbo blocks? REEF!
So, we press on. Have too many hats on some days. Next week OCRF will kick-start the Benelli Shotgun Raffle. Tix will be $10.00 each/six for $50.00/& fourteen for $100.00 grand prize is an absolutely gorgeous Benelli Sport II in 12 gauge. Drawing will be December 20th. 
Anyone who’d like to help sell these tix please email me at [email protected]
OC Reef Foundation was just offered a THIRD tugboat. Couldn’t do it.. Have to raise more money to cover what we have coming! Am prepared to cover what’s in the line-up now with my own accounts if fundraising falls short. But another tug? Too steep for my budget!
The price of scrap steel is in the gutter. I hope to keep putting great steel boats & barges on the bottom while we can afford them.
In a few years a lot of anglers will be glad we did.
In a hundred years they won’t have a clue how those reefs were built, but they’ll fish the heck out of em!
Cheers All!

Captain Chase Eberle of Chasin’ Tides Charters had a very nice day on the ocean today putting a four man limit of sea bass in the cooler.

David Moore and Kyle Mooney have been slaying the red drum in the surf over the past few weeks.  They have had several fish over 45″ and Kyle beached a stud fish of 52″.  All fish are above the slot limit and were released.

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