Posted on June 21st, 2016
We had some wicked storms roll through the area this evening….really wicked! Very heavy rain and lots of lightning had folks running for cover…no one in their right mind was on the water after 4:30 unless they had to be. Only a couple of boats in the offshore fleet headed to the canyons today and conditions were rough for the inshore fleet, but the guys that went got it done.
Captain Jeremy Blunt on board the Wrecker out of The Ocean City Fishing Center had a great day out in the Wilmington Canyon today. The crew of the Wrecker combined for a white marlin release, two small bigeye tuna, 11 yellowfin tuna and 3 mahi. It was raining so hard when they returned that the fish cleaner had left and it was difficult to get a group shot with the fish. Captain Jeremy did get some great shots of the impending storms out on the ocean where you can get a great view of what’s on the horizon.

Captain Mark Hoos and mate Mark Stephens of the Marli out of Sunset Marina were also out in the Wilmington today and had a great day as well. The Marli ended the day with 13 yellowfin tuna and a gaffer mahi. Like Wrecker, it was difficult for Captain Mark to get a good shot of his group, but you can get the idea of the fishing from the full wheel barrows.

Captain Chris Mizurak on the Angler reported rough conditions today with some slow fishing, but they did manage to catch some keeper sea bass. Here mate Dean Lo holds one of the better fish from the trip as the angler holds on.

Bear down at the Oceanic Pier reported some good flounder fishing at the pier this morning. Bear counted 30 plus flounder caught at the pier this morning with several keepers. Some fish were caught on bloodworms, while others were caught on squid strips.

This angler caught this nice 20″ flounder on the Flatty Caddy fishing in front of the Commercial Harbor on “Bionic Squid Tubes” purchased at the Oceanic Pier.