Posted on September 14th, 2015
Just as expected, and just as I reported yesterday, nobody fished offshore today. It blew NW most of the day, and the buoy reports show 4-6 foot seas every 3-4 seconds which is not nice. The buoy reports also showed that the wind is already on the slow down and the forecast for the rest of the week looks really nice.
Since nobody fished today I thought I would give the report from the Boss Hogg’s trip from Saturday. I missed the report Saturday, but I didn’t miss the Hogg’s FB post with some cool pictures….and I really like sharing pictures. Boss Hogg did some trolling, some bailing and some deep dropping on Saturday and ended the day with 49 mahi, 34 sea bass, 25 tile fish and at least one black bellied rosefish. The rosefish lives out in the deep and when you catch one big enough to keep they are REAL good eating.