Posted on May 13th, 2018
Happy Mother’s Day!! We had some wicked thunderstorms roll through the area last night and there was some residual wind left over today. Combine that with the fact that today most everyone was spending time with Mom and today was a light day of angling. I did see a report go up from some fishing yesterday that I did want to let you know about though!
My buddy Matt Ellis was out yesterday for his last tautog trip before the season closes on Wednesday and he experienced an epic bite. Matt was fishing with Captain Rich Wilkowski and I’ll just let Matt’s words and the pictures speak for themselves!!
“I’d bet this bottom we fished Saturday has had only nature to deal with over the years. Whole Jonah crabs were getting inhaled within five seconds the entire time. Limited out in a little over an hour and left them to figure out what just happened. Covered up with big fish with over twenty 10+lb fish released with personal bests all around. Giant sea bass harassing us too. Good end to tog season.”