Posted on August 30th, 2015
Some of the unsung heroes of our fishing business here in Ocean City are the marina employees at all of the marinas in and just outside of town like Bahia, White Marlin, Sunset and The Ocean City Fishing Center. These are the people that fuel the boats, drop off the ice, book the charters, clean the bathrooms, pick up the parking lot, dump the trash, throw your lines, the list of things they do is a mile long. These folks are at the heart and soul of what fishing in Ocean City is all about, and it’s nice when they get to take part in the sport that they work so hard to support.
Captain Jeremy Blunt was able to take some of the employees from The Ocean City Fishing Center out today for some offshore action and they had a great day. Captain Jeremy and mate Brian Behe put anglers Emily, Veronica, West and Nate on their very first white marlin releases. They threw in a couple of mahi for the grill was well.

Yesterday, Captain Luke Blume on White Lightning out of Sunset Marina was out just north of the Washington Canyon and went two for four on white marlin releases.

When it comes to the inshore flounder fishing you have got to be in the ocean on a wreck because the flounder fishing in the bay is bad. There is usually a few weeks toward the end of the summer when the water temp and clarity are just not what the flounder like and that time is now. There are fish in the bay, and you can catch keepers, but it’s not good. However, the wreck and reef fishing for flounder is really good right now. The inshore party and charter boats are going to the wrecks when they can, and they are having luck. Here is a young angler from the Judith M with Captain Don Hetherington holding his keeper flounder from the morning trip, and a nice triggerfish from the afternoon.