Well it looks like today was the last day to get a little ocean fishing in for a couple as Hurricane Lee gets close enough to start messing things up. We’ve got forecast winds tomorrow of North 15-20 knots with gusts to 25 so things are supposed to be pretty saucy, and it looks to blow through Saturday evening before things start to straighten out. The long range forecast looks pretty good currently so hopefully the billfish and mahi are still around when Lee is long gone.
It’s certainly not going to happen often, but today I got a report of a mahi caught just about a mile off of the Ocean City beach. Yup, Captain John Prather and his crew on Ocean City Guide Service were trolling for mackerel, which they caught along with one bonita, when they caught a “peanut” mahi. Most of the mahi that I’ve been reporting lately have been 15-20 miles off the beach with some fish around 10, and even though I’ve heard of fish as close as 5, one mile is the closest I’ve ever seen. You can tell by the photo with the condos in the background, this one an INSHORE mahi! Nice work!
Captain Monty Hawkins of the Morning Star was a little further out than one mile, but he was able to find mahi in abundance where he was fishing.
A heavy rain, hard; best measured in ‘gallons per moment’ greeted clients with inglorious fashion on arrival this morning. Tapered and then quit just as we were getting underway, we’d not see any more precipt the rest of the day.
Rain moving offshore left sunrise a dreary affair; far to our south, however, broken clouds in morning colors left a hint of the day ahead. Somewhat unruly, even boisterous at times; ocean swells–including an occasional 10 footer with a loooong period owing Lee’s pending passage–came from three directions this morning. Confused sea conditions made a proving ground for various seasick medications. The loser was, ‘I didn’t think I’d need any.’
All the rest worked.
Speaking of Proving Grounds… An email yesterday claims the Landing Craft donated to our reef building by APG last winter will soon be put overboard. We worked on it for several weeks this spring in preparation for a tow and deployment. Should be good to go.
We’ll drop Uncle Murphy’s Reef at the Bass Grounds as soon as able.
On our way off this morning we slowed just long enough for Courtney & Chris to send our reef blocks to the growing reef below. The boys sent a few lures astern as we paddled east but no luck.
Time we started fishing the weather had moved off – still cloudy, but no rain. Had nice action straight out of the gate with Patrick landing the pool winner on our 4th stop.
Admiral Cornflower, Chris, my gal Courtney & Hurricane Murray his dern self all limited, with everyone else (-1) catching plenty for several dinners.
Also had a pair of parasitic jaeger (arctic skua) today – I think. iPhone pics weren’t good enough for a 100% confirmation.
First for the year though.. Made a move of about 6 miles and saw another pair of qjaegers. Bet it was the same pair though..
Coming up on sea buoy. Light rain & a southerly wind picking up.
Going to lay in a few days while Lee makes passage up the coast.
Hopefully fishing won’t be upended by his swells.
Not going to miss the alarm clock..
Big Bird Cropper has guest Karl Heinrich in from Germany and today Bird and Shaun Flaherty showed him a good time gute Zeit (good time) catching some big blues at the route 50 bridge.
Man, this weather has sucked! I’m listening to rain right now, we had snow yesterday and this weekend looks like there may be more rain in the forecast. Throw in some wind and very cold temperatures… READ MORE
Crab Pie Ingredients 1 Pound jumbo lump crab meat 2 Deep Dish Pie Crusts (this recipe will make 2 pies) 1/4 cup of diced onion (or shallots) 8 oz of Swiss cheese 2 Tablespoons flour 3… READ MORE