More BIG Tautog and Some Bluefin Tuna Back in the Mix

By Scott Lenox

More BIG Tautog and Some Bluefin Tuna Back in the Mix

It was another fishable day out of Ocean City today with light winds and calm seas for those that ventured out of the inlet.  There were some more nice tautog scooped up in nets and there were some more bluefin tuna put in the fish box too.

Captain Chase Eberle of Chasin’ Tides Charters had a nice day today doing a little double duty on the tautog and tuna.  Captain Chase put his anglers on a bunch of tautog including nine fish in double digits up to 18 pounds.  Chasin’ Tides also found some bluefin tuna toward the Washington Canyon and caught nine of nine bites.  They harvested their one allowable fish and released the other 8.

Captain Monty Hawkins of the Morning Star left in thin ice this morning to find some decent tautog fishing.

No concerns for a thin layer of ice in the marina this morning; we departed at 5:45 into very calm conditions.
Not many brave souls this AM. Last time we had a winter this cold I was taking cod/tog trips – Feb 2011. Was good fishing.
Alex made a fine block deployment – we pressed on, stopping for a bit on a huge flock of gannets, the first I’ve seen all winter. Stuka dive bombers of the avian world, their plunge into the sea is at once graceful with well-honed murderous intent. Stretched out a mile and a half or so, mate Joe and the guys saw a few fish busting too. I noted their position for the annual scientific tagging cruise going on from VA Beach currently. Last I’d heard, striped bass had been scarce; moving the boat to Ocean City was in consideration. Cold as it’s been and water temps dropping fast, their target species may well have arrived down there in recent days.
I pulled her back a few miles from where I’d fished Thursday.
Ehh, 25-some miles short.
Maybe more.
Bluefin tuna fishing was astounding off there that day. If I hadn’t put Monday–with its near-flat calm & warmer forecast on the book for tog…..
Winds a steady 15 NW; our first drop today instantly yielded a small sea bass, then another, then two tauglets. The pick continued and size improved somewhat.
Alas, there were no crab eating cod to be found. Maybe in another week.
John did catch a 17 inch female tog with a bright yellow ALS tag. With no growth it? ..was most likely a late summer accidental catch we tagged while sea bassing ..
Three great spots today but no double digit fish. At least some were biting. Ken to the mini-pool with a 19 inch female he released.
Monday looks considerably warmer & plenty calm. If I didn’t have it in the book already as a tog trip I’d go tuna fishing for sure.
Plenty of spots yet for Monday’s tog run. Interested? See Fish Report 1/22/25 for booking info. . .

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