Posted on December 3rd, 2023
It was warm and calm again today, but the fog was pretty thick in some spots and there was some rain to dodge throughout the day. It was still nice enough for some folks to get out on the water and put some fish in the box.
Erika Hurley, Erika Ehinger and Terrin Mitchell tag teamed this nice bluefin tuna today just miles off of the Ocean City beach. Captain Kurt Howell of MidAtlantic Marine Surveying put them on the fish and reported it to be 55.5″ and approximately 125 pounds.

Captain Kane Bounds of the Fish Bound has started to do a little tautog fishing in the ocean to prepare for this winter’s fishing. There are still plenty of sea bass coming up with limits on every trip and now there are some quality tautog going in the fish box.

Captain DJ Churchill of the Double Trouble had his first tautog trip of the season as well and he also had some quality fish go in the fish box.