I got to see first hand how slowish the sea bass fishing has been off of our coast since the start of the season on May 15. I fished on board the Angler with Captain Chris Mizurak and crew and had a great time, but fishing was definitely on the slow side. The saving grace is that there are some quality fish in the mix with at least four fish on board the Angler being over 19″. I was even able to catch my personal best sea bass today that was a solid 19.75″ and 3 pounds, 13 ounces on our Deadly Tackle Deadly Squidly rig in white. Hopefully the quality of fish stays like it is, but we have more of them biting over the next few weeks.
Captain Monty Hawkins of the Morning Star reported some of the same, but did have some cool wildlife sightings on today’s trip.
After 44 years it’s pretty rare when I see two things I’ve never seen at sea in a day. Normal enough start; seemed like a summer morning even. Ocean beautiful – No problem forgoing the sweatshirt. Had the crew from Creative Concepts aboard. Those fellows know how to fish; Steve & Craig always go above and beyond when sponsoring reef building events.
Stopped for a moment on the way off. Connor, Gavin & Jamison sent a 24 block reef unit over the stern rail. Glad we had good weather – Gosh – two whole days in a row now.
Wasn’t long after the block drop when I spotted a spout in the distance – and another & another. Whitecaps popping too – but no wind.
Ahh.. Several hundred saddleback dolphin & a pair of fin whales made a fine show for a bit.
Pressing on we had a single look at a minke whale. Little fellow
..and then the fishing. Saw a lot more on screen than the fellows had bites. Happens. Radio didn’t sound as though anyone had a great bite.
Kept after it all day though and came out of it in fine style. Conner made best possible use of his reef building karma. I think he had the five biggest sea bass aboard – including the pool fish.
Sent everyone home with dinner, that’s a fact.
A move just before day’s end found a very small humpback whale off the bow – right off the bow & swimming at us while I was in nuetral. Looked no bigger than a calf. I announced: “That little fellow is looking for his mamma.”
Two minutes later – there they were. A mother/calf pair. I left em be. No need to shake the young’un up anymore. He’d already come far too close to a boat.
My first mother/calf humpback pair (have seen a right whale pair) and my first inshore day with 3 types of whale.
And on the way in?
Three more fin whales…
Whaling was banned in large part in 1982. Like fisheries management, we should hope to see more
and are.
Lamont Hilbert snuck out the OC inlet again today and put some sea bass in his cooler.
Charlie AKA LuckyOne Outdoors found this nice keeper rockfish at the route 50 bridge on Monday on a shallow diver. The fish was 30″ and 9 pounds.
Captain Chase Eberle of Chasin’ Tides Charters had a crazy good day of deep dropping today putting his anglers on some stud blueline and golden tilefish to 36 pounds and a big Atlantic hake.
Check out my trip from last year aboard the Angler…Subscribe!!
Man, this weather has sucked! I’m listening to rain right now, we had snow yesterday and this weekend looks like there may be more rain in the forecast. Throw in some wind and very cold temperatures… READ MORE
Crab Pie Ingredients 1 Pound jumbo lump crab meat 2 Deep Dish Pie Crusts (this recipe will make 2 pies) 1/4 cup of diced onion (or shallots) 8 oz of Swiss cheese 2 Tablespoons flour 3… READ MORE