Posted on April 29th, 2018
It was a little cooler than the past few days today, and a little windier, but it was still an ok day to get out and do a little fishing. Things are picking up in Ocean City’s back bays as the water temperatures warm up and anglers are having luck with several different species now. There are flounder in the Thorofare, rockfish at the three bridges and the Oceanic Pier and even some tautog on the jetties and the rocks along stinky beach. The weather this coming week looks really nice and I expect to see some good fishing.
Michael and David Burt from the Pumpin Hard took a trip to the eastern shore of Virginia today where they put Wendy and Collin Beall on their first ever red drum. The guys were trolling the flats when they got over top of these two beauties.
The father and son team of Ray and Asher Layton fished the Virginia surf yesterday where they both landed 32″ black drum while soaking clams.
The Oceanic Pier in downtown Ocean City is starting to see a variety of different species come over the rail now. Bear submitted this photo of a lucky angler landed a 17 1/2″ keeper tog on the south east end of the pier.